Thursday, September 12, 2019

Sukekiyo - INFINITUM (2019)

The statement "Sukekiyo is the band you listen to until the next Dir en grey album is released" may have held some water in the past, but this album puts it to the ultimate test, and to its grave. If ADORATIO wasn't enough, this album shows to even the most cynical sceptics that Sukekiyo isn't just Dir en grey 2.0.


01. 偶像モラトリアム
02. 猥雑
03. 沙羅螺
04. kisses
05. dorothy
06. アナタヨリウエ
07. 君は剥き出し
08. 本能お断り
09. こうも違うモノなのか、要するに
10. 濡羽色
11. ただ、まだ、私。
12. 憂染
13. 漂白フレーバー

On first listen, I kept thinking throughout the opening track that this was going to be one weird album. Since I tend to like weird albums, naturally I was excited; in particular, I was hoping for a lot of variety... and there is a lot of variety, but the album is also a fairly coherent "whole". While that's a good thing, the side effect is that there are only a few truly standout tracks (猥雑, 沙羅螺, 濡羽色 and ただ、まだ、私。) while the majority of the album isn't that memorable.

...although, speaking of memorable songs, dorothy really takes the cake. It's not a good song by any means (unless the point of comparison is Friday by Rebecca Black, but nothing should be compared to that), but when an album that up until then has been some interesting fairly avant-garde stuff is suddenly interrupted by a "TOP 10 RADIO HITS OF 2010!!!"-type track, you know you're going to be scarred for life. It's not actually a bad song, either, considered on its own; it's actually a pretty fun song, but on this album it just feels too out of place... but who am I to complain about that? In fact, they probably wanted people to be weirded the fuck out by that track, in which case they pulled off a WTF better than any band I've ever heard do in a long time!

The weirdest song, 猥雑, is really weird. I fucking love it! Kyo makes a lot of weird ass moans in it, and one of the things I love most in the world is Kyo's weird ass moans. The riffs are also great and catchy (and the tones are heavy), and the glitchy stuff is really cool since it's not overdone.

However, in my opinion, the best song on the album by far is 沙羅螺. Not only is it the most memorable, I love that it has vaguely Middle Eastern and Indian-sounding stuff and an interesting noisy middle part, and the chorus is absolutely great and the catchiest on the album. The guitar solo is also epic. It's also cool that it has what sounds like church organ in the outro.

Oh, and I have to mention this because it makes me grin every time: in ただ、まだ、私。 the first "綺麗な嘘" sounds like "綺麗な糞". I wonder if Kyo intentionally pronounced it in such a way for some reason? And don't try to tell me I'm imagining it, because there definitely is something like /k/ that first time! Right?! I can't be the only one who hears it...? I swear, the only way I could be convinced that it's not intentional would be if Kyo himself said so... 😂

Although 漂白フレーバー doesn't feel like a closer to me (at least compared to the preceding 憂染), it is a very interesting song that draws in attention and has cool "chaotic" stuff, especially the lo-fi piano. It also has a similar effect on the vocals as the opener, so maybe it is fitting as it kind of wraps things up... hmm.

Overall, this album is great. Individual songs may not be very memorable and don't always go together very well (as in the order of the songs is far from ideal imho), but as an album it is very memorable.

Enjoyability: 9/10
Relistenability: 8/10
Memorability: 9/10
Coherence: 7/10
Flow: 6/10
Originality: 9/10
Epicness: 6/10
Nutshell: Beautiful shit, no lie.

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